Why Environmentalists Should Think About Money

Appealing to Greed and Good:

Human Needs
Human Needs

So where does philanthropy and environmental activism fit into Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Sean Stannard-Stockton proposed that giving is motivated by humans’ deeply held need to find meaning in life which is part of self actualization. Assuming Maslow and Stannard-Stockton are correct, then as environmentalists, we must remember that people must first have their physiological and safety needs met, before they worry too much about the environment.

Why didn’t I also include love/belonging and esteem? I would argue that group environmental action can help fulfil the need to belong and also bring respect, recognition and self-esteem. Regardless, the important thing to remember is that people won’t care about saving the planet (or more accurately put, keeping the planet habitable for humans) until they have water, food, a place to live and a job (or income).